Did you know that on average, we check our phones
262 times per day???
that’s once every 5.5 minutes and spend somewhere between 3-5 hours in usage?
CRAZY RIGHT? I was surprised to learn this as well!
Well…how about you convert the same mobile checks and phone usage into an intentional and conscious manifestation ritual?
How Many Times?
Now What if?
Let me Introduce?
Magenetic Mobile Affirmation Wallpapers
You get a video lesson from me where I explain my experience of using these wallpapers and how affirmations help
I have personally blessed each wallpaper and set beautiful intentions for them so that it brings maximum benefits to whoever is using it.
Two different versions of some affirmations to suit you based on whichever gender you identify with
Affirmations are both in png and jpeg downloadable format for you to choose based on your phone space